Visual Designs

Client & Project /   DowntownDC - State of Downtown Analysis Report
Role /   Lead designer
Responsibilities /   Data visualization (concept + update), editorial design, layout design, creative direction

Client & Project /   DowntownDC - Economy Report
Role /   Lead designer
Responsibilities /   Data visualization (concept + update), editorial design, layout design, creative direction

Client & Project /   Green Body Brand - Marketing rebrand
Role /   Visual marketing designer
Responsibilities /   Copywriting + Design of weekly newsletter + Social media content + Apparel graphics

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Visual DesignsClient work

CalypsoAIAI + ML solutions provider for B2B

UncommonGoodSaaS fundraising platform for cause-driven organizations

Reading Land'Adobe + Scholastic Book Fairs Creative Jam' App Concept

bloomguided meditation with UI animation

Scrib'da simple note a day

One More Thymewaste-free conscious cooking

Astrotailored plans for every goal

Questproductivity with a purpose

Wander Wheelsaccessible travel made possible

© 2022 by May Lee